Edge Computing Industry Development and Technical Standards Promotion Committee (TC617) Established to Promote Edge Computing Standard System Construction and Application, 2022/05

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Source: Edge Computing Consortium

Edge computing is becoming increasingly important within China as the national government pushes for the establishment of a new development landscape and nation-wide digitalization. Emerging technologies such as 5G, big data, and AI rely on edge computing, making it an important part of the foundation for the digital economy. The edge computing industry is also poised for rapid development, attracting increasing attention, as the technologies behind it mature and its application scenarios continue to diversify.

In response, the China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) established an Edge Computing Industry Development and Technical Standards Promotion Committee (TC617) in May 2022. Multiple research institutes and companies are represented within this committee, including the Chinese Academy of Science’s Shenyang Institute of Automation, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Intel, ARM, and iSoftStone Information Technology (Group) Co., Ltd.

  • There are seven working groups under TC617: the Requirement and General Group, the Technology Promotion Group, the Experimental Platform Group, the Security Group, the Marketing Promotion and Cooperation Group, the IT Infrastructure Group, and the Network Infrastructure Group. These groups will be tasked with:
  • 1. Exploring edge computing, analyzing application scenarios of different high-value industries, summarizing their key and shared requirements, promoting the development of standard commercial edge computing solutions, and providing related research results to technical standards organizations, in order to promote the convergence and development of industry technical standards.
  • 2. Accelerating the incubation of an ecosystem for open-source platforms and implementation of high-value industry scenarios, and driving the development of edge computing technologies, solutions, and ecosystems.
  • 3. Refining and establishing standards, regulations, and assessment systems related to edge computing.
  • 4. Building an edge computing technology and experiment platform, and promoting related testing, verification, and certification to support architecture innovation, new device testing, and new service demos.

TC617’s main goals are to serve as an open industry cooperation and innovation platform, promote the research, verification, deployment, and operations of edge computing technologies, assist governments and enterprises in formulating development strategies, and jointly promote sustainable development within the edge computing industry.

If you are interested in participating in TC617, contact us at ecc_marketing@ecconsortium.net. We are looking forward to working with you to promote the construction and application of the edge computing standard system.

  • Contact: Sun Ning (Phone: 13910146695) & Cao Yinping (Phone: 18910809311)
  • Email: ecc_marketing@ecconsortium.net