- Time:April 27, 2021 • 15:00-17:00 CST
- Duration:2 Hours
TM Forum in partnership with GIO hosted the Digital Health Webinar on April 28 th, titled 5G in Healthcare where communications service providers from around the globe shared their insights into their health strategy and business growth.
- Link to the recording here:
- https://inform.tmforum.org/webinars/the-5g-healthcare-ecosystem-opportunity/
Joann O’Brien opened the session with a presentation based on the recent research report titled, 5G for Healthcare published by TM Forum in partnership with GIO.
Here new opportunities for Telco in the Digital Health space were explored with particular emphasis on where the critical capabilities of Telco overlap with the needs of the Healthcare industry.
A variety of use cases were explored and the role of 5G as well as some indepth use cases from communications operators.