The 11th GIO Roundtable

Events Introduction
The 11th GIO Roundtable was held on 28th February 2023 in Barcelona/Beijing, co-hosted by the Global Industry Organizations Roundtable (GIO) and AII (Alliance Of Industrial Internet), and GeSI (Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative). All participants walked through the achievements for industry digital transformation under GIO’s vision for the past five years. The meeting also concentrated on “Industry Digitalization” and “ICT empowers green and low-carbon development”, shared the progress of industry organizations’ self-exploration and pairwise cooperation, and explored the role that industry organizations can play and the hot topics in these key subjects.

09:00 – 09:10
New Faces Introduction
New faces—
09:10 – 09:20
Opening remarks
William Xu
Zhiqin WangGIO Chair
GIO Cochair
Industry Development
09:20 – 09:30
Overview of the Achievements and Prospects of Industry Digitalization Under the Vision of GIO
Martin CreanerWBBA/GIO
Industry Digitalization
09:30 – 09:50
The Outlook of Industry Digitalization
Carsten RossbachRoland Berger
09:50 – 10:10
Progress and Prospect of Connected Factor
Zhiqin WangAII
10:10 – 10:30
Progress and Consensus on Data Platform
Markus SpiekermansFraunhofer ISST
10:30 – 11:00
Open Discussion:Opportunities and Cooperation Priorities in the Field of Industrial Digitalization
All Participants—
Coffee break
11:00 – 11:20
Integration ICT with Green Development
11:20 – 11:40
ICT Enabling Green: ETSI
Luis Jorge RomeroETSI
11:40 – 12:00
CCSA and NetworldEurope’s Cooperation: Progress of Green ICT
Ku Wen
Rui Luis AguiarCCSA
12:00 – 12:20
European Research Progress on Methods and Regulatory Mechanisms for Green and ICT-Enabled Industries
Luis NevesGeSI
12:20 – 12:50
Open Discussion:The Role Played by Industry Organizations in Integrating ICT with Green Development and Follow-up Key Topics
All Participants—
12:50 – 13:00
Main Conclusions
Martin CreanerWBBA/GIO
Honored Guest
Expert View

William Xu
GIO Founder & Chair
We are very grateful to all GIO participating organizations for their great contributions in the past five years. We have seen the release of many white papers and reached consensuses on many topics. The whole industry should remain committed to globalization, unification, and large-scale application. In GIO, we will insist on globalization, unified standards, and also our communication across the world so that we can promote the stable and healthy development of our industries.

Martin Creaner
Director General of WBBA and GIO strategy consultant
Over the past five years, 45 different industry organizations worldwide were involved in various GIO meetings that addressed different aspects of industry standardization. About 25 organizations have been consistently involved in half of the meetings. Focusing on industry digitalization and cross-industry opportunities of common interest, the participating organizations shared information, defined the way forward, and promoted bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Carsten Rossbach
Senior Partner of Roland Berger
Digital technology has become the most critical technology for the intelligent world. Digitalization of industrial equipment, fully-connected industrial networks, conversion to cloud-based industrial software, and value realization of industrial data are the four core elements lead to comprehensive digitalization of industrial sectors.

Zhiqin Wang
AII and Vice President of CAICT
High-performance, high-intelligence, and high-convergence technologies, particularly 5G and time-sensitive network (TSN), have become the cornerstone of Industrial Network 3.0. The Alliance of Industrial Internet (AII) is actively driving the implementation of new technologies such as 5G, TSN, and industrial PON to support enterprises in building fully connected factories.

Markus Speikermann
Head of the Data Business Department of Fraunhofer ISST
Basically, there is no, or at least not that big of a platform known from Europe that has a huge market share when it comes to data processing and data exchange. This limits our ability to extract value from growing amounts of digital assets. Over the past few years, many organizations and projects in Europe have taken important initiatives related to data sharing (IDS), trust (GAIA-X), consolidation (DSS), and industry services (Catena-X) to build digital platforms and seek consensus.

Luis Jorge Romero
Director General of ETSI
ICT is a key enabler that directly and indirectly drives sustainability. ETSI takes sustainability very seriously and addresses it from different angles, such as annual work programmes, special magazine editions, websites, and summits.

Rui Luis Aguiar
Chair of the Steering Board of the NetworldEurope
The telecom sector is in the early stages of the roadmap to the green target, and future steps will include the development of both common standards and new technologies with impact on hardware and software components, considering not only the energy-related KPIs but also the benefit and the ultimate usage of consumers.

Ku Wen
Chairman of the Board of CCSA
In order to solve the emerging green telecom challenge worldwide, we will need close collaboration between different stakeholders to share best practices and experiences, and this collaboration needs to be transparent, measurable, and comparable.

Luis Neves
We should start to think how in our activities, we can really contribute to ensure that the world will be sustainable.. Effectively reducing energy consumption is the only way to reduce carbon emissions. We also need to invest in renewable energy. Digital technologies are now cutting across almost every single industry, such as energy infrastructure, agriculture, health, and education. The boundaries between ICT and other industries have been blurred, we should go digital with purpose.