Digital Health Workshop

Barcelona, Spain / Beijing, China
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Events Introduction

The Digital Health Workshop during MWC22, was held on February 27th, 2022 in Beijing/Barcelona, with other participants from around the world joining online. It was co-hosted by the China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI) and HL7 Europe. The Digital Health Workshop facilitated fruitful sharing and discussion on the industrial environment shaping in innovative digital health area, the standardization practices of consumer products in the healthcare area and the advances in data sharing for consumer products. The main conclusions of the Digital Health Workshop demonstrates that the rapid development of innovative digital active health device and software industry has presented new challenges to regulators and industries, necessitating the strengthening of industrial dialogue, promotion of industrial consensus, and standardization implementation.


09:30 – 09:40
Opening remarks
William Xu Feng Jiang Catherine ChronakiCo-chairs
Topic 1: Industrial environment shaping and experience sharing in innovative digital health area
09:40 – 10:00
The Special Nature of the Digitalization of the Health Industry
Jian ChenCAMDI
10:00 – 10:20
Regulatory Challenges for Medical Software and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Annika EbersteinCOCIR
Topic 2: Standardization practices of consumer products in the healthcare area
10:20 – 10:40
Research on Quality Evaluation of proactive Health Medical Products
Jiage Li NIFDC
10:40 – 11:00
Consumer Tech and Digital Health: Unlocking the Potential
David MuddBSI
Topic 3: Advances in data sharing for consumer products
11:00 – 11:20
The role of HL7 FHIR in digital health ecosystems
Giorgio CangioliHL7 Europe
11:20 – 11:40
From Performance Driven to Intent-Based Networking in Healthcare
Christoph Thuemmler6GHI
Tea Break
11:40 – 11:50
Open Discussion
11:50 – 12:30
Open Discussion
All– –
12:30 – 12:40
Luigi Licciardi Shang WangModerators

Expert View

William Xu
GIO Chair; Director of the Board and President of the Institute of Strategic Research, Huawei
Health is not only an industry but also an invariable demand of every person. With the aging society, we pursue to decode from the needs of health, and develop a series of products and solutions to help people live a happy life. Our vision of the big health is developing a consensus so our products and industries will be able to enjoy more order and speedy development in a way that is truly beneficial to the elderly consumers with the happiness based solutions.
Catherine Chronaki
Co-chair of the Digital Health Workshop; Secretary General, HL7 Europe
The HL7 vision is a world in which everyone can securely access and use and have the right data where and when they are needed. For this purpose, the mission of HL7 is to create the best and most widely used interoperability standard in healthcare. Therefore, we at HL7 Europe, are committed to work with all actors to create these standards, to convey the right requirements so that we build these standards.
Feng Jiang
Co-chair of the Digital Health Workshop; CEO, CAMDI
It is hoped that this workshop can provide us solutions and answers to the weaknesses of mobile smart medical products and wearable medical products, so as to promote the industrial development of medical devices in China and the global market. And we are hoping that more excellent medical devices, which can reach to the CES consumer electronics manufacturers level, can enter the medical equipment area.
Jian Chen
Senior Expert, CAMDI
The process of health digitization is a social project, which involves efficiency and fairness, error and consequences, medical ethics and privacy rights, resource allocation, etc., which are more complicated than the digitization of ordinary industries. We need a conceptual consensus at a specialized and detailed level.
Annika Eberstein
Interim Secretary General, COCIR
Qualification as a medical device or an accessory for a medical device depends on the smart hardwar’s intended purpose and how it is placed on the market. Further guidance is expected. In the proposed EU AI Act, Medical software is defined as high risk AI system, introducing requirements and obligations for providers and users of medical software.
Jiage Li
Deputy Director, NIFDC
It is necessary solve four main problems of Quality evaluation: lack of effective, scientific and reliable evaluation methods on terminal products performance; lack of mature methods for safety evaluation of mechanical energy and electromagnetic energy; The privacy protection is becoming much more important for regulatory; big data and artificial intelligence bring risks in terms of data quality, algorithm performance, and human-computer interaction.
David Mudd
Global Digital and Connected Product Certification Director, BSI
Digital health is a necessity with an ever expanding and aging population. However, without trust in the digital interactions between people, organisations and things, it will never be successful. Great to see we all agreed: industry consensus with flexibility, agility, “think big but start small and act now”.
Giorgio Cangioli
Technical Lead, HL7 Europe
HL7 FHIR can play a key role in the sharing of health data. EU/China and global collaboration on adoption and development HL7 FHIR artefacts for consumer devices is hoped. Quality labeling, beyond medical device regulations, is a mean to achieve trust. A multi-stakeholder discussion on the hybrid usage of regulated and unregulated health and wellbeing devices should be facilitated.
Christoph Thummler
Scientific Director, 6GHI
5G healthcare networks have been successfully practiced, which has verified the advantages of 5G in patient location tracking, large bandwidth, low latency, high stability, and no evidence for interference with medical devices. However, 5G healthcare still faces challenges such as lack of vertical industry standards and ecosystem.
Shan Xu
Senior engineer of the E-Health Department of Cloud Computing & Big Data Research Institute, CAICT
Digital access has become a new social determinant of health, with connections to data, cloud and machine intelligence, but always with the focus on humans. Having it people-oriented with standardized assessment for the evaluation is the key to success.

