Digital Health Roundtable​


Events Introduction

The Digital Health Roundtable was held on Dec 10, 2020 from 12:00–14:00 (GMT). Our aim was to take learnings from existing projects, extrapolate a common framework for trusted data sharing which could underpin rapid response to emergency management. The second section would take a broader view of the role of ICT in enabling digital health transformation. Joann will also explain the roles of TM Forum and GIO in enabling that. GIO is a platform for sharing best practices and knowledge so we can harmonize methodologies and reduce cost as well as increase the speed of innovation. The overall objective of the round table was to lay the foundations towards future collaborative opportunities between our industries and further develop a roadmap of activities for 2021.


Round Table 12:00-14:00(GMT)Dec 10th
Moderators:Joann O`Brien, VP Digital Ecosystems,TM Forum
12:00 – 12:05
Joann O`Brien TM Forum
12:05 – 12:10
Round table Introductions
12:10 – 12:20
Fan Zhang,Zhang Xin China Mobile,China Telocom
12:20 – 12:25
Data Governance Discussion
Christian MaitreOrange
12:25 – 12:35
Denis GilhoolyMobile Action on Pandemics(MAPs)
12:35 – 12:45
Dr.James HosperdalesEarth Medic
12:45 – 13:00
Discussion On Potential future Trusted Data Catalyst Project – Agreement on the way forward
13:00 – 13:05
Digital Health Strategy – Ict & Health Care communities
Joann O`BrienTM Forum/GIO
13:05 – 13:15
Digital Health Use Cases
Derrick MuneeneWHO
13:15 – 13:20
Digital Health 5G Use Case
Lucy BakerBT
13:20 – 13:45
Discussion:Role of ICT & Telco in enabling Digital Health
13:45 – 14:00
Joann O`Brien
